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Showing posts from 2010

Magazine Layouts

Click on link above to view a really helpful blog that has posted inspiration for magazine layouts.

Sterling advice on film openings.

The exam board just keep giving. Essential reading for those of you who are attempting to create a film opening. Click on image.

Work to complete prior to Christmas Break (December 22nd) plus examples

  Analysis of Cover x 3  (make sure you use the correct terminology ) Analysis of contents   x 3  (make sure you use the correct terminology) Analysis of DPS x 3  (make sure you use the correct terminology ) Moodboard (this can only be completed AFTER 3 magazine analysis. Use ANIMOTO ) Style of Magazine / inspiration from other texts  (create posts showing inspiration for your potential magazine) Audience profile ( who is going to buy your magazine?) Looking at   fonts  (there is also a guide to fonts on this very blog!) Looking at colour palettes   Decide on magazine title .

Straight from the horse's mouth.

Pete Fraser (OCR bigwig and all round media guru) has posted an extremely useful article on magazine covers at AS level. Highly recommended reading. Click on image.

G321: The Briefs

Print Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program. Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style). Maximum four members to a group. All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of FOUR images per candidate. Video Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstr...

Cover Junkie

Cover Junkie is a great site for magazine covers. Click on image above.


Rankin: covers portfolio

A gallery of Rankin's magazine covers. A great place to look for ideas. Click on image to access gallery.

Magazine covers

Click on the image to view a small selection of covers from Ray Gun a short lived American magazine (1992-1995). The rest of Chris Ashworth's website is worth a look too.







Kick-Ass: Psychopaths, severely damaged and mentally shredded.

The image above will take you to an article about Super Hero fans and the film Kick-Ass. It goes so far as to claim the characters are: " psychopaths, severely damaged and mentally shredded." Worth a read as it will add another element to your written work.

Kick-Ass: Hit Girl

Click on the image above for an interesting article on Hit Girl. It should help you form a more considered opinion of her as a character. This will help with your latest essay.

Kick-Ass written work (12C & 12E )

After watching Kick-Ass you need to write about the film in relation to the 7 key areas of representation: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Sexuality, Social Class, Physical Ability/ Disability, Regional Identity. Also refer to the 4 key areas of Textual Analysis: Camera Shots, Angle, Movement and Composition ,Editing ,Sound, Mise-en-Scène.


Kick-Ass is a 2010 superhero/action-comedy film based on the comic book of the same name by Mark Millar and John Romita, Jr. The film was directed by Matthew Vaughn, who co-produced the film with actor Brad Pitt, and co-wrote the screenplay with Jane Goldman. The film's general release was on 26 March 2010 in the United Kingdom and on 16 April 2010 in the United States. The film tells the story of an ordinary teenager, Dave, who sets out to become a real-life superhero, calling himself "Kick-Ass". Dave gets caught up in a bigger fight when he meets Big Daddy, a former cop who, in his quest to bring down the drug lord Frank D'Amico, has trained his 11-year-old daughter to be the ruthless vigilante Hit-Girl.

Representations of Age

Apologies for missing today's lesson. Your task is to think about how age is represented in the media. Remember that most characterisations presented to us by the media are stereotypes. This makes them easy to recognise and understand. This applies very clearly to notions of Age in the media. As you know teenagers get a particularly rough deal from mainstream media. The same applies to the old. In pairs you need to make a very brief list of the most obvious stereotypes for both groups. Then you need to choose a young or old character from a TV drama and make a presentation based on their representation. Add as much detail as you can. Include pictures and clips to illustrate your points.Think about how fair and accurate the representation is. As a class you need to make sure you all look at a different character and that some of you look at older characters. We'll look at these presentations tomorrow.

Let The Right One In

Apply the following to the film Let The Right One In  : Todorov/ Propp/ Levi Strauss. Also refer to: mise en scene use of sound (including music)  camera work the representation of both characters and place Click on image above for opening section of the film. Use the menu bar on Youtube to rewatch the section again if necessary. Submit work on paper to me as well as embedding a version on your blogs.

Disability (Character Profile)

Create a profile for a disable character (Film or TV). Explain what the disability is? Is it portrayed accurately? How is the character represented? Is it fair or realistic? Apply as many elements of theory (see posts below) that you can manage.

Use of disabled stereotypes

The media continue to enforce disability stereotypes portraying disabled individuals in a negative un-empowering way. In his 1991 study, Paul Hunt identified 10 stereotypes that the media use to portray disabled people: The disabled person as pitiable or pathetic An object of curiosity or violence Sinister or evil The super cripple As atmosphere Laughable His/her own worst enemy As a burden As Non-sexual Being unable to participate in daily life Shakespeare (1999) presents a potential reason behind the use of one of these stereotypes: "The use of disability as character trait, plot device, or as atmosphere is a lazy short-cut. These representations are not accurate or fair reflections of the actual experience of disabled people. Such stereotypes reinforce negative attitudes towards disabled people, and ignorance about the nature of disability" In other words, the disability itself is often used as a hook by writers and film-makers to draw audiences into ...

Disability-individual and social models

Dominant notions of disability: the individual model The societal view of disability generally conforms to the individual or overcoming or medical model of disability. This holds that disability is inherent in the individual, whose responsibility it is to ‘overcome’ her or his ‘tragic’ disability. Often this ‘overcoming’ is achieved through medical intervention, such as attempts at ‘cures’. For example, top wheelchair athlete Tanni Grey-Thompson was forced as a child to wear heavy leg callipers which gave her blisters, rather than being offered the simple and practical option of using a wheelchair. This approach to disability aims for the normalisation of disabled people, often through the medicalisation of their condition. The social model of disability This distinguishes between impairment (the physical or mental 'problem') and disability (the way society views it as being a negative). It holds that impairments are not inherently disabling, but that disability is cause...

The Male Gaze- Tubechopped video (Ciara-Love Sex Magic)

Click on the image for the original video. The version above is a tubechopped version. I've chopped out 20 seconds or so to illustrate the male gaze. TubeChop can be found in my websites list and here .

The Male Gaze homework

Find definitions for the following looks: chocolate box invitational super smiler romantic or sexual (Marjorie Ferguson) seductive carefree practical comic catalogue (Trevor Millum) Choose an advert or clip from a music video, analyse and apply the gaze theories (Laura Mulvey et al). Apply one of the looks (listed above) to your advert or video where appropriate.

Countdown-Rachel Riley

The Male Gaze lesson

Find definitions for the following looks: chocolate box invitational super smiler romantic or sexual (Marjorie Ferguson) seductive carefree practical comic catalogue (Trevor Millum) Choose an advert or clip from a music video analyse and apply the gaze theories (Laura Mulvey et al). Apply one of the looks (listed above) to your advert or video where appropriate.

Scouting for Girls-She's So Lovely

The Male Gaze

Representations View more presentations from hammonda .

Eva Mendes Calvin Klein advert

Freddie Ljungberg Calvin Klein advert

Film Editing Introduction

Continuity –The viewer should not notice the cuts, and shots should flow together naturally. Hence, the sequence of shots should appear to be continuous. Hollywood Montage - a "montage sequence" is a short segment in a film in which narrative information is presented in a condensed fashion. Soviet Montage - This style of editing has two functions. The highly political soviet style of the 1920’s which sought to create a new meaning out of seemingly unconnected shots. The audience are very aware of the ‘cuts’. Transitions - A ‘transition’ is the term for how an editor moves from one ‘shot’ to another. The use of an inappropriate transition can destroy the mood or pace of a scene. As we watch the following transitions write down what you think the effect on the audience is. Cross Cutting/parallel editing - Editing that alternates shots of two or more lines of action occurring in different places, usually simultaneously. A Dissolve - A transition betwee...

Shameless-Representation (sexuality and regional identity)

How are regional identity and sexuality represented in the opening sequence of Shameless episode 1? Click on image above for You Tube clip. Consider: stereotypes mise en scene music camera work

Preliminary evaluation

Include the brief and then write about the following: 1) Pre production (story boarding) 2) Production (filming etc) 3) Post production (editing footage etc) Write about the development of your skills. This is a fundamental aspect of the A level course as a whole.

Rushmore-representation of Max Fischer

Write about Max. Is Max a stereotypical teenager? Explain your answer using only the montage sequence. Refer explicitly to mise en scene. 200 words

TV Drama-Generic Conventions

You will find that TV dramas all have the following ingredients: Characters – even particular kinds of characters: eg, at its most simple, ‘good’ and ‘bad’ characters. Stories – they all tell stories, whether those stories involve adventure, crime or romance and they often, but not always, end happily. The stories are told against familiar backdrops: – eg, homes, police stations and offices (for crime dramas), hospitals (for medical dramas) – most of which are created in studios. However, most dramas also use outside locations to create particular effects. Camerawork – particular kinds of shots are used: eg, sequences involving establishing shots followed by mid-shots of characters, shot/reverse shots to show character interaction and, in particular,close-ups to show the characters’ emotions. Stories use dialogue to tell the stories. Occasionally, monologues are built in (as voiceovers, a character telling a story). Music is used to punctuate the action, create effects (su...

Preliminary Exercise: Film

Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule . Work in a group of 3 or 4. Try to keep to between 12-15 shots. Storyboard your shots (include: shot description, brief description of action, duration of shot)

American Beauty work 12EMS1

What do you learn about the family from the clip viewed? Comment on: mise en scene camerawork (a. movement b. shot choices) music and sound (diegetic and non-diegetic) ALSO: Complete all outstanding work Add The Grammar of Film to your blog. Add a gadget and create a link list. Add the address for The Grammar of Film to the list and save.

Das Racist-Sit Down, Man

The latest mixtape from the trio responsible for 'Combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell' in 2009. Literate wordplay full of on the money cultural references. For fans of Beastie Boys, MF Doom ,Lil Wayne and Girl Talk, the music contains familiar samples from artists as diverse as Jay-Z and The Very Best. This work builds on the music of 'Shut Up, Dude' from earlier this year (added below). Click on images for links.

Representation - binary opposites

Gender - male/female Age - old/young Ethnicity -black/white Sexuality - gay/straight Class and status - rich/poor Physical ability/disability - able bodied/disabled Regional identity - north/south Each of the 7 areas have been split into binary opposites. Compose a powerpoint as a pair. Open a slideshare account and upload to slideshare on completion. For each pair of opposites make as many notes as possible. Add images and film clips to illustrate the points you make. What does each heading mean to you?

Human Music & Sound Design

human is a music and sound design initiative, creating innovative work for commercials, film, television and culture. Instilled with the spirit of a new paradigm, human enables collaboration within a global network of artists. While devoted to maintaining traditional values of excellence, artistry and knowledge, we embrace technology as a means of expanding the boundaries of genre, location and culture. click on image to access website. click on psycho ronald mcdonald for the human vimeo page.

American Beauty work 12CMs1/12EMs1

Click on the link above to access the clip from American Beauty. Embedding has been disabled for this clip so you will have to add a link to it from your blog post. Choose an image from the film (google images). Upload this to your blog and embed the URL (the address) for this clip. Then add the notes that you took in class for the last two lessons. How is Lester Burnham represented? He is trapped. How does the filmmaker show this? Add your notes. If you have missed the lesson, watch the clip and complete the task. Also make sure you are up to date with all the work so far.

Representation-The Man

On close inspection everything is too perfect to have been "just thrown together". Just as much as a Savile Row suit this look is all about fit. The cardigan and shirt are the perfect length, the trousers are perfectly personalized, the shoes well-aged. Consider also how his pose reflects his personality. He is upright and self confident. He doesn't appear to be threatening. He is at ease. This man has style in his bones. This man is called Doug Bilmaier and he heads Ralph Lauren's vintage department. This gentlemen travels the world buying all the great vintage items (frames,books,fixtures etc) that you find decorating Ralph's stores.